A few weeks ago I set up a short competition based on the Terra Incognita Podcast. The prize the entire Podcast on audio CD. The question to be answered was:
Who is the child in the photograph that Governor Valtor was looking at in her office?
Chapter 16 is now "live" on Podiobooks.com and so it is time to name the winner...and so, with no further a-do...
Joan Laing
Joan provided the following answer:
My guess is that it is a picture of Cole as a child, that she is the Governor's child left at the government nursery (I'm guessing that she gave birth to Cole without a license, left her anonamously at the government nursery and couldn't reveal herself as Cole's mother, especially in her position. I think that's why she arranged for Cole and Trent to get out of the city dome, and why she willingly scarificed herself to the "secret entity" in the hidden room.
Congratulations Joan! I'll post a set of Terra Incognita audio CDs to you before the final episode of Terra Incognita is released ;-)
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